Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thinking of spring

Spring is in the air. Well, people are thinking about spring.
One reason is something brand new. The Wharton County Backyard Farm Tour. It will be Saturday, April 26 — the same day that the Wharton County Farmers Market starts up.
Seven homes will be opened up where you can view how people grow food here, from chickens to vegetables. More on this later.  Thank you Stephanie Kovicka et al.
Meanwhile, the Wharton Beautification Commission is planning the annual citywide cleanup, Spring Sweep on Saturday, April 5.
And the commission is planning much more, wanting to help beautify the city entrances, the downtown planters, and enhancements at the Santa Fe Trail. Dr. Mystan Gurkin is chair.
There’s also talk of a new community garden for Wharton.
What’s it take? People who care. People who want to make a difference. People working to make a difference. What a wonderful thing. Spring must be in the air.

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